Transfer money abroad
Take advantage of market-beating rates when you send to a bank account overseas.

Skrill together: Earn £10 for every friend you refer
Refer a friend to Skrill Money Transfer and both of you will get £10 off your next international money transaction*. It really pays to have friends.
*Terms and conditions apply.
How you benefit
Over 40 countries
Send money to an international bank account in a range of currencies.
Great service. Great rates.
Our reliable service and market beating rates have earned us an excellent Trustpilot rating.
Quick and easy
Whether you’re using the Skrill mobile app or the website, the money arrives in minutes.
Send money abroad when the rate is right
Never miss out on a great exchange rate again with the Skrill Money Transfer rate alerts. Receive daily alerts on Skrill’s FX rate and be the first to know when your desired rate is reached.